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- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (14 Ago 2005 14:52)
I had no bus, no train (BART) so the only chance to take the 6AM bus to Santa Cruz was to take a ride of someone to the airport. But, finally, it was Oakland Airport, not SFO Airport, so I was $50 by taxi from there. No way, go back to house, sleeping in a coach, make some calls to Spain, chatting with loving people and, after brunch (breakfast + lunch) try to take 12:30 bus.
It is my first time getting Greyhound terminal so, like a newcommer, I didn't know that I could change my ticket at the bus. I was late because AC Transit bus came late so when I arrived to Greyhound office I lost all my time in the queue. So I lost 12:30 PM bus :-)
And now I am waiting until 7:00 PM, the next bus to Santa Cruz. 6 hours in Downtown San Francisco. I went to Apple Store. It's awsome. You can try everything, attend to lectures and buy. It is a little expensive but it is really amazing the place. Only one drawback: too crowded.
And, now I'm at Internet Cafe, paying $3.50 for half an our of Internet connection (six times what it costs in Spain) writing in my weblog in Berkeley. I have tried this module of Openacs and it is really good. It was create by Lars Pind
Blog Mi estancia en Berkeley (Summer Sessions 2005)