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  • Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 10 meses (03 Ago 2005 00:06)
Last Week, we were planning a trip to Los Angeles. Some people of Tauhouse (my residence house) went there and we were trying to figure out a budget for a trip.

There are different kind of trip. We prefered by car because it's cheaper and makes the trip more interensting.

An aproximate budget could be:

Car Rental: $205 for five days.
You can calculate a maximum of $60/day, more days it is cheaper, but for estimations it is a good rate).
Gas: $140 round trip
Sleeping $100 for a room and a day
Food: $30 per day

So, for a four-day trip it would be over 300USD if you are minimum four persons by car.

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Blog Mi estancia en Berkeley (Summer Sessions 2005)

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