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  • Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (08 Ago 2005 21:50)
Some people says that this country is unsafe but I think that, even though you need to be careful, you can feel pretty safe in Berkeley. Sometimes, news about violence are not followed completely and only helps to increase our fears. Newspaper pieces about Meleia's killing in Berkeley can show us what is the actual story behind the scenes. Probably she was killed by a friend in an not-so-clear incident and not because Berkeley is a dangerous place.

Two weeks ago, on July 17, Meleia Willis-Starbuck, was killed very near the UC Berkeley Campus at 1:45 AM after an argument between her friends and a group of men. "A black male exited his car on Dwight Way and fired multiple shots in the vicinity of Willis-Starbuck's group of friends" as said by The Darmouth on July 19. She was only 19 years old.

In different residences near Berkeley Campus, like Residence Units, I-house and Tauhouse, I've heard people worried about security in Berkeley due to this incident. Different persons, in fact some girls, said to me that: "It only happened one block here", "I am fearful and I don't want to go out at night", "I can not come back alone from Telegraph Av". So, that incident boosted our international minds and evoked some fears we have heard about in our countries about violence problem in US.

In all the world it is known that in US there are too many guns. Incidents of violence in different High School or movies like "Bowling for Columbine" from Michael Moore show us that US government has to deal with violence provoked for too many guns in street. Anyway, even though we can agree that any violence ratio is bad and that we should be careful and take care of friends, Berkeley is pretty secure. Last Wednesday, July 27 "San Francisco recorded its 43rd homicide in 2005" as was said by Rachel Gordon in SFGate (**ratios violence), But, actually, Berkeley "only" had 2 killed people by a violent incident this year.

"Police have said little about the killing, but Meleia's friends said the investigation was centered on whether she was accidentally shot by Hollis after calling him for help ... She went to High School with both Hollis and Wilson" as was said in San Francisco Chronicle, last July 27. Wilson has been arrested and Hilson has been remaining at large. Two are under 21. So probably, she, was killed for a friend she caller "her brother" as was said in same article.

Meleia's killing was very sad but it was a strange incident and we can say that Berkeley is pretty safe. You must take care but you can come back house enjoying the nice temperature of Berkeley's night.

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Blog Mi estancia en Berkeley (Summer Sessions 2005)

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