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  • Escrito por Cesáreo hace 18 años y 10 meses (12 Jul 2006 08:10)
These are the notes for a Presentation Exercise about an amazing place: New Caledonia in an English Course. Some presentations of my students (See more in Spanish) are, by far, better. We were three at the presentation (Joung from Korea and Kenta from Japan).

I'll be the last one at the show and my topic will be "Detailed Geography and Things to do in New Caledonia"

Detailed Geography (More information about NC)

Things to do


  • Meals: 10/25 USD
  • Lodging: 30/60 USD
  • A day budget: 20 / 70 /200 USD

Some interesting links: Lonely Planet Guide, Jane's Page, from Wikipedia and New Caledonia Tourism South.

do you want to see videos of New Caledonia? Take a look here

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Blog Mi estancia en Edimburgo (Spoken English Course)

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