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  • Escrito por Cesáreo hace 18 años y 9 meses (04 Ago 2006 03:23)
I like Scottish People. Actually, I felt very comfortable there. I think it was because we share same culture. I mean, Galician Culture and Scottish Culture had some things in common. For example:

  • Green. There are trees, and forest, and meadows, parks. You can see green color everywhere. There is water, and I like water (to drink and to make plants green). Some tourist slogan now, call Galicia: One thousand rivers region.
  • Weather. Weather changes every day. You can find a morning with fog in middle July, or you can walk at night with PolarTek sweater. It can be disappointing if you like sun every day, but I like that kind of atmosphere.
  • StoryTellers. Scotland has a very strong tradition about storytellers. First day of class, We had a women guide in the city tour. She was one of the best storytellers I have ever heard. Really good. Good voice, emotion, drama, funny. Good. Just like one of my brothers.
  • Magic and Mistery.

Why Magic and Mistery? If you have water, green and changing weather you can get some kind of mistery and dramatic stories or funny stories. You can walk through the meadows at half past two in the night and see how the moon appears one minute, says to you "hello" and hides again behind the clouds. Try to see an autumn sunset in Vigo Bay. For me, that's magic too.

Scotland is a country to enjoy, to feel. Only one big drawback: it is too expensive for me. But I hope to go back with a good partners, time enough and some money.

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Blog Mi estancia en Edimburgo (Spoken English Course)

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