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- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 11 meses (11 Jul 2005 16:45)
Values, Frames, language (DTE)
Bias, W-questions, message (MAM)
My Opinion
I don't know very well the political situation in USA, so I don't have an opinion. I'd be able to compare with political situation of my country, so from that side I'll do my explanation.
In USA, most polls gives democratic party, victory in 2004 Elections. In 2005 March, most polls gives convervative party, victory. Two similar cases in two similar countries (making off differences). Why? I'm agree with Lakoff that framing is important, and also values. Perhaps he is talking about more emotional aspects in the voting-decision. In USA about moral values, in Spain about Iraq war decision. In any cases, although differente situations, It seems to be that We (voters) are not interesting in economics, social welfare, healthy system, employment system and so. We (that decides) are influences for emotional aspects (values, fears ...) that condition our vote.
USA and Spain, differences in that in Spain, Conservative party had very good indicators (related with UE), and in USA, Republicans have very poor indicators (some really very, very bad). But, different situation, why? Framing perhpas.
And in two cases was the influence of the media. In USA most press seems to be more liberal, and in Spain the info management post-attack was fundamental in Liberal victory.
I'm agree with authors about importance of debate frame, bias in media and making values in political debate.
Blog Mi estancia en Berkeley (Summer Sessions 2005)