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- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (31 Ago 2005 19:20)
El diario ya está cerrado. Este es el resumen de los envíos del mes de Agosto a este diario, como fue el último mes de mi estancia (hasta el día 18) publiqué algunas conclusiones:
- Mi clase (qué bien me lo pasé!) y la Metodología Didáctica en Berkeley.
- Dos centímetros, Dos paises sobre las diferencias de mundo dentro de USA.
- Is Berkeley a safe city?. Opinion about Berkeley and Meleia's issue.
- Viaje al final de las clases: Some dreams can be true (Surf Class), Lost in SFO while I'm waiting for Greyhound Bus, Working on OS X in Apple Store
- Cuanto costaba ir a Los Angeles (que al final no fui)
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (31 Ago 2005 10:52)
Sin embargo respecto a la clase me esperaba mucho más la verdad. Básicamente es mucho más práctica, con relación más directa con el alumno, mucho trabajo en equipo y con evaluación diaria. Obviamente en la influía mucho el profe, David Skolnick y la clase era...
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (31 Ago 2005 10:34)
La media de edad debía ser sobre 22 años. Yo era el mayor (34 años) y después creo que Patrick (25). La verdad es que fue un buen grupo. Muy...
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (14 Ago 2005 15:58)
But I miss my linux/windowmaker. It's not so cool but it is faster and I'm get on it. iMac is a little expensive but has the advantage that you have almos all software you need. Desktop is beautiful and you have all staff by hand through nice icons. Also, I noticed that it is some slow when starting applications and accessing...
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (14 Ago 2005 14:52)
I had no bus, no train (BART) so the only chance to take the 6AM bus to Santa Cruz was to take a ride of someone to the airport. But, finally, it was Oakland Airport, not SFO Airport, so I was $50 by taxi from there. No way, go back to house, sleeping in a coach, make some calls to Spain, chatting with loving people and, after brunch (breakfast + lunch) try to take 12:30 bus.
It is my first time getting Greyhound terminal so, like a newcommer, I didn't know that I...
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (12 Ago 2005 10:34)
You need
- A Beach. There is a lot of beaches in Santa Cruz. From San Francisco I took a Greyhound Bus.
- To Sleep: This is a cheap place to stay and you can book-it on-line (three days before). If you are a group you can find very good rooms for $100 ($20 each one).
- To eat: I suppose that $20 each day is enough
- To learn: It should be a lot of choices, but I contact this good school: Richard Smith School. I think prices are too expensive. It depends of week day but each lesson (2 hours) is between $60 to $80. You can also check at this school
Finally, I...
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (12 Ago 2005 10:27)
Estuvimos en casa de David, con su familia (esposa y una hija bebé) y disfrutamos tranquilamente de nuestro último día de clase. Terminamos yendo a comer a un restaurante hindú (uf! qué picante la comida), cogimos el bus y regresamos al campus.
O sea que se terminó lo que se daba. My ESL Summer class is over.
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 9 meses (08 Ago 2005 21:50)
Two weeks ago, on July 17, Meleia Willis-Starbuck, was killed very near the UC Berkeley Campus at 1:45 AM after an argument between her friends...
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 10 meses (04 Ago 2005 13:44)
Tom McNichol has been a member of CCSF faculty since 1984 and has been teaching in UC Berkeley some course of ESL program. So he has been teaching for 20 years ago. He got his B.A. at Bucknell University and his...
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 10 meses (03 Ago 2005 00:06)
There are different kind of trip. We prefered by car because it's cheaper and makes the trip more interensting.
An aproximate budget could be:
Car Rental: $205 for five days.
You can calculate a maximum of $60/day, more days it is cheaper, but for estimations it is a good rate).
Gas: $140 round trip
Sleeping $100 for a room and a day
Food: $30 per day
So, for a four-day trip it would be over 300USD if you are minimum four persons by car.
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 10 meses (02 Ago 2005 16:46)
Book Context: That it outraged him
Guess Meaning: get crazy
Dictionary Meaning: to make someone feel very anger or shock
My Own: He made a horrendous plan and that travel was a outrage
ousted (v):
B.C: They ... overwhelmingly rose up and ousted him
D.M: to force someone out of a position of power, especially so that you can take their place
M.O: Alonso ousted Mikka Hakkinen in last F1 Grand Prix
livid (adj)
B.C: Indeed, many democrats were livid that Schwarzenegger did noy run on the issues
G.M: worried
D.M: extremely angry
M.O: I was livid when your mother told me that.
- Escrito por Cesáreo hace 19 años y 10 meses (01 Ago 2005 18:30)
Yo no me quejo porque con un curso sólo de 4 unidades se puede llevar perfectamente, es mucha tarea para casa a veces, pero es muy llevadero. Aprovechando la jugada, el viernes me fui a un club de Jazz. La verdad es que...